30 Nov 2021Resource
Whether you are just beginning your Occupational Therapy career or are a seasoned professional, you will most likely be aware your CPD must include a mixture of different types of learning. As a registered AHP, HCPC requires you to carry out at least two different types of learning activity, although in practice you will most likely do much more than this.
The types of CPD can include:
But what does this look like in reality? There could be many things you are already doing day-to-day that can count towards this mixture of activities, so here are just a few suggestions to get your CPD juices flowing.
For example, Royal College of Occupational Therapists, The Geeky OT, All About Occupation.
Current and back issues of the British Journal of Occupational Therapy can be accessed online along with research papers.
The OT Potential Club has compiled a list of the 100 Most Influential OT Research Articles.
For example, OT and Chill, Royal College of Occupational Therapists, The LD OT Podcast, Occupied and The OT Roundtable.
There are a wide range of Occupational Therapy talks on the TEDx Youtube channel.
The RCOT provides a list of its approved learning for CPD.
Udemy has a range of paid and free online courses for Occupational Therapists.
A number of universities provide short courses and modules as CPD. For example, The University of Derby and Brunel University London.
For example, have you engaged with or generated ideas for the #OTsForEquity campaign?
The Elizabeth Casson trust runs a mentoring programme and can direct practitioners to a range of different OT and leadership mentors.
This could include things like enhancing your IT and digital skills.
Current and back issues can be found online.
If any of these have jogged your memory, or inspired you to start consciously tracking your development activities, then make sure you diarise some time to log and reflect on them.
Whether that’s in a fancy notebook, a spreadsheet, or a CPD tracking app like Julia, by capturing what you are doing regularly, your CPD history will build up in no time!
Please let us know on Twitter if you have any additional suggestions for activities and resources and we’ll update our list so everyone can benefit.
Please note that Julia is not affiliated with any external content nor is it endorsing any particular resources as successful CPD practice.
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